ropes" and similar games equipment. Fairmead Lodge on Fairmead Bottom was possibly the first cater- ing establishment of any size. Both the site and the building had an interesting history. On 12 June, 1589, a Special Commission was issued by the Exchequer to survey and examine two houses in 'Waltham Forest, one called "Greate Standinge" on Dannets Hill, Chingford, the other in New Lodge Walk. The report of this Commission described the "other house or keeper's lodge scituate in the new lodge walke being built of tymber but after the ordinary manner consisteth of two low roomes at the grounde with two roomes of chambering over them conteyneth in length 46 feete, in breadth 16 feete and in height (Left blank in the original). This second lodge according to William Chapman Waller may be safely identified with that known as Fairmead Lodge or Sothebys. He adds that it seems to have been always a copyhold of Loughton manor. Rigg's Retreat, Chingford In May, 1706, the Earl of Lindsey, Lord Warden of the Forest, granted to James Sotheby of Grays Inn the Keepership of New Lodge Walk for life.(6) He in his turn promised to maintain one or more Keepers or Under-Keepers attendant on her Majesty's (Queen Anne) vert and venison. Fisher lists a number of Sothebys (the spelling of the name varying in several ways) but a William Sotheby, who, some time 12