surrounded by their coats of arms. Still further on is a small doorway into the chancel which dates from 1370. Here, if one stands slightly back from the church, there is fine view of the two clerestoreys. The four straight-headed windows of intersected pointed and cusped tracery in the chancel are an unusual and successful feature. They date from 1370. The five lights of the nave clerestory date from the 15th century; the brick battlements are a later addition, probably of 1516. While here it is also worth noticing the fine tracery of the Eastern window of the Berners chapel which cannot be seen from inside the church. INTERIOR Facing you, as you enter by the South door, is the font. The base itself is modern and dull, but if you stoop down you will see that the eight quatrefoiled panels are upheld by angels with their wings outspread. These, and the heraldic work—the coats of arms include those of Helion, de Vere and Clovile—date back to about 1375 and the actual baptismal bowl is of Tudor workmanship. Above the tower arch there hangs the Royal Coat of Arms which was painted in 1662, and no doubt given to celebrate the restoration of Charles II. The pillars of the archway are decorated, but the restorers of 1865 raised the floor level here by 9 inches, obscuring the bases, and rather spoiling the proportions. Note the two very pretty and contrasting string courses, from which spring the low and quite plain arch. Passing through this we are faced with the greatest architectural problem of the church. Both to the right and the left you will notice blank arcading which is continued halfway along the northern and southern walls of the tower. Were these at the side sedilia? Were the two recesses which flank the archway half built up mainly to strengthen the tower? Or was this done to provide a base for further altars? Was this the sanctuary of the former Saxon chapel whose foundations have not been traced? It is a feature, in any case, that is unique to Finchingfield; though Prof. Geoffrey Webb thinks there may be a possible