connection with Finchingfield was not severed, and in 1650 Steven Marshall made a bequest of "a messuage and a tenement" with "Boyton meadow of 3 acres", which yielded 40s. a year, for "wood to the poor". The next year he left for Ipswich. He died in 1655 and was buried with great solemnity in Westminster Abbey, but his remains were disinterred in 1661 and thrown into a pit. The Kempe family, which had resided at Spains Hall since the 14th century, died out in the direct male line early in the 18th century nor are any further monuments to them to be seen in the chapel which bears their name. They are, however, remembered by the endowment of the almshouses, and at the beginning of each year the Robert Kempe Trust Fund awards ten shillings and a Bible to boys and girls of good character, who have completed one year in their first situation after leaving school. The hatchments and most of the memorials in the chapel commemorate the Ruggles-Brise family. Samuel Ruggles, a wealthy merchant whose racing trips to Newmarket led him past Spains Hall had for many years wished to own the estate and purchased it in 1760 for the very considerable sum of £14,400. The family has lived there uninterruptedly since. One plaque, that to Sir Evelyn Ruggles-Brise, whose ideas revolutionised penology in Britain, is especially worth of note. The words of the memorial are echoed in the inscription which is placed over the entrance to Borstal, "He determined to save the young and careless from a wasted life of crime. Through his vision and persistance, a system of repression has been gradually replaced by one of leadership and training. We shall remember him as one who believed in his fellow men". The ring of eight bells has long been famous in the county and only one peal, at Bocking near Braintree, is said to surpass them in sweetness. In old records there are frequent entries of payment to the ringers—for example on 16th April 1776 we read "To Liq (liquor) for Ant. Olives ringge Day 0.10.0". This was a year when considerable attention was given to the peal and "Ye 3d Bell" was "Newe Cast"