ITS TOPOGRAPHY. 39 ROUTE E. 31/4 miles. Cross the Forest by the Bury Path, which passes Hawkwood Farm, visible from Chingford Station, and now the head-keeper's residence, and is con- tinuous with the Sewardstone Green Road ; follow the latter to Sewardstone Green, from the north-east corner of which a green lane leads by Mott Street to High Beach; or better still, immediately after leaving the Green and passing Cashfield House on the right, turn to the right by the public footpath which crosses an open field and ascends the hill. Crossing Leppets Hill Road, you strike the path again a few yards to the right, by a barn, and from here it leads, in about a mile, to High Beach, close to the new church. Though this is not, strictly speaking, a Forest walk, the views from it over the Lea Valley are so beautiful as to justify me in inserting it here. ROUTE F. 21/2 miles. Follow the Bury Path to a little beyond the head-keeper's house, then turn to the right along one of the several rides which run near to and parallel with the western verge of the Forest. From the point where Leppets Hill Lane enters the Forest there is a gravelled road along its edge northwards, though, if the weather is dry, this may be improved upon, by keeping a little more to the right, while pursuing the same direc-