ITS TOPOGRAPHY. 51 low the third to High Beach; or the fourth, for half a mile, as far as Woodridden Hill, and where the road begins to drop down the hill, turn to the left along the Verderer s ride, which also leads to High Beach. From High Beach either follow the road to the "Robin Hood," and thence by the road known as the Earl's Path to Loughton, or, im- mediately after passing Paul's Nursery, turn to the left by a beaten track, which is a short cut through a picturesque piece of beech-wood to the " Robin Hood," and from thence take the Earl's Path. ROUTE Q. THEYDON STATION TO WALTHAM BY COPPED HALL GREEN. 4 miles to the Abbey; 5 miles to the Station. Follow the road along the north side of the green, and, immediately after passing the church, turn to the right, in a N.N.W. direction, across the open grass field, where the remains of ridge and furrow show that it underwent a period of enclo- sure and cultivation before it was restored to the Forest. Where the thicket is entered, at the far- thest corner of the field, a tiny stream leaves it. Follow this up, keeping it on the right. Whenever the valley divides into two branches, which it does twice, follow the fork to the right. When it comes to an end pursue the same direction, by compass, until, near some old gravel pits known as "Worm- leyton Pits," you emerge on a heather-clad space comparatively free from trees. From this point the Copped Hall group of Scotch firs, with a single