53 EPPING FOREST. columnar silver fir towering above them, to which I have referred in previous routes, is seen about half a mile in front. Taking this as a landmark, and steering as straight for it as the intricacies of the thicket will admit of, it will guide you past Ambersbury Banks to the point on the Epping road where the Waltham road leaves it. Follow the latter past the Copped Hall entrance gates, and Copped Hall Green to Waltham. This is a tolerably dry walk all the year round. ROUTE R. THEYDON TO HANGBOY SLADE. 41/4 miles to complete the circuit to Theydon. From Theydon Station take the road to Debden Green. From its north-west corner a lane leads into the Forest. At the point where this is en- tered the small stream which flows from the valley of Hangboy Slade leaves it. If the course of this stream be followed upwards, keeping always near the bottom of the hollow, it will lead, in about a mile, to the Theydon road. Crossing this and the open heathery plain beyond it for 400 or 500 yards, turn to the right into the thicket, and, keep- ing a S.S.E. direction, i.e. parallel to the Theydon road, come out on to Theydon Green near the church. This very pretty circuit should be re- served for dry weather. It is easily identified by following the hollow upwards. I have only partially indicated it by a red line on the map, lest it should be confused with other routes which intersect it.