88 EPPING FOREST. Bullfinch. Frequent throughout this neighbourhood. It is one of the few birds which it is pardonable to shoot in our gardens. Chaffinch. Very common, and nearly as mischievous as the preceding. Common Bunting. " Used to be more frequent than now. I have often had nests with eggs brought to me by the mowers."—J. L. E. Snow Bunting. One example of this bird was killed by a boy with a stone on Epping Plain. Another was killed in 1840 by an old Sportsman who is still alive. Yellow Hammer. Common. HAWFINCH. Black-headed Bunting. Common in summer in bushes along the Roding. Occasionally seen in winter. Goldfinch. Used often to be caught by bird-catchers on Wanstead Flats. Common about the lanes of Loughton. Siskin. Occasional winter visitor to Wanstead Park. I saw one about the alders last spring, 1883 ; three were seen in February 1884. Linnet. Large numbers were taken by bird-catchers on Wanstead Flats a few years ago. I have talked with these men when at work with their clapnets, and they told me they often caught lesser redpolls ; these and the linnets they put in cages ; but greenfinches, which they took in prodigious numbers, were killed at once,