ITS MOTHS AND BUTTERFLIES. Lithosia complana (The Scarce Footman). On pollard oaks. Lithosia quadra (The Four Spotted Footman). Opposite the Wake Arms. Euchelise jacobaeae (The Cinnabar). Used to be common on ragwort by the side of Epping Road; now scarce. Euthemonia russula (The Clouded Buff). Bogs and damp heathy places by Theydon Road. Arctia fuliginosa (The Ruby Tiger). Larvae on herbaceous plants. Late autumn. Demas coryli (The Nut-Tree Tussock). Larvae on beech. Occurs throughout the Forest; nowhere common. Poecilocampa populi (The December Moth). Larvae on trunks of oak. Scarce. Lasiocampa quercifolia (The Lappet Moth). Larvae on sallows, old gravel-pits by the Wake Arms. Selenia lunaria (The Lunar Thorn). Beaten out from horn- beam. Selenia illustraria (The Purple Thorn). Beaten out from whitethorn. Ennomos erosaria (The September Thorn). Larvae found on oak trees. Boarmia roboraria (The Great Oak Beauty). Oak trunks. Epping Upper Forest. Tephrosia consonaria (The Square Spot). Old beech trunks. Monk Wood. Tephrosia extersaria (The Brindled White Spot). Oak trunks. Ephyra porata (The False Mocha). Damp places at the back of the King's Oak. Cabera rotundaria. Epping Lower Forest. Aleucis pictaria. Old blackthorns. Fairmead. Numeria pulveraria (The Barred Umbo). Amongst beeches. Lobophora viretata. Old beeches. Monk Wood. Very rare. Cidaria silaceata. Damp places, where Epilobium parvi- florum grows. Anaitis plagiata. Theydon Thickets. Platypteryx hamula. On oaks. Fairmead. Stauropus fagi (The Lobster Moth). Beech trunks. Monk Wood. Notodonta camelina (The Coxcomb Prominent). Beech trunks. Monk Wood. Notodonta ziczac (The Pebble Prominent). Larvae on dwarf sallow. Notodonta trepida (The Large Prominent). Oak trunks. Notodonta chaonia. Pollard oaks. Borders of Monk Wood.