102 EPPING FOREST. Cymatophora ridens. Oak trunks. Epping Upper Forest. Acronycta tridens. Scrubby whitethorns. Epping Upper Forest. Acronycta rumicis. At sugared trees. Epping Lower Forest. Gortyna flavago. Larva; inside stems of thistle. Fairmead. Neuria saponariae. Borders of Epping Lower Forest. Charseas graminis (The Antler Moth). Males fly in the morning between seven and eight o'clock at the back of the King's Oak. Cerigo cytherea. At sugared trees. Epping Lower Forest. Luperina caespitis. Upon bents of grass at night. Rare. Agrotis puta. At sugared trees. Agrotis saucia. At sugared trees. Rare. Agrotis aquilina. On rush blossoms. Epping Lower Forest. Agrotis ravida. At sugared trees. Rare. Triphaena fimbria (The Broad-bordered Yellow Uderwing). Larvae on sallows at night. Noctua glareosa. At rush blossoms, and sugar. Noctua rhomboidea. At bramble blossoms, and sugar. Epping Lower Forest. Taeniocampa miniosa. At sallow blossoms. Rare. Taeniocampa munda. At sallow blossoms. Tethea retusa. Larvae on sallows. Eremobia ochroleuca. Two specimens sitting at rest on ferns. Epping Upper Forest. Agriopis aprilina. Larvae on oak trunks. Imago at sugar. Aplecta herbida. Epping Lower Forest. Aplecta tincta. Two specimens on oak trunks. Aplecta advena. At sugar. Epping Lower Forest. Hadena suasa. Epping Lower Forest. Hadena thalassina. On trunks, and at sugared trees. Heliothis armigera. At sugar. Epping Lower Forest. Very rare. Erastria venustula. Scrubby beeches.