116 EPPING FOREST. the pools the graceful bulrushes. In September the floral attractions yield to the more succulent charms of the blackberry, and for the rest of the year the gorgeous autumn colours of the trees furnish many a lovely nosegay. I am indebted to two excellent authorities for the following complete list,—to Professor Boulger; President of the Field Club for 1884, who has devoted much time and attention to the subject; and to Messrs. Ware of Tottenham, whose skilled florists are constantly perambulating the Forest, and who have taken much pains to furnish me with the complete results of their researches. The less common, or more interesting, are marked with au asterisk. *Clematis Vitalba. Traveller's Joy. Epping. Dry places Anemone nemorosa. Wood Anemone. Ranunculus floribundus. Water Crowfoot. R. trichophyllus. Water Fennel. R. peltatus Crowfoots. R. hederaceus R. sceleratus. R. Flammula. Lesser Spearwort. Marshes. R. Ficaria. Lesser Celandine. R. auricomus. Goldilocks. R. acris R. repens Buttercups. R. bulbosus R. hirsutus Nasturtium officinale. Water-cress. Cardamine pratensis Ladies' Smock. Moist places. Sisymbrium officinale. Hedge Mustard. Alliaria officinalis. Garlic Mustard. Sinapis arvensis. Charlock. S. alba. White Mustard. *Alyssum maritimum. Draba verna. Whitlow-grass. *Teesdalia nudicaulis. Shepherd's-cress.