130 EPPING FOREST. years before the conditions favourable to its pro- duction will repeat themselves. The real plant proper, or Mycelium, dives underground, and may live for years in that condition without pro- ducing its fungi, which are analogous to the flower or fruit of a plant. However, the most probable localities are indicated in the following list:— Agaricus muscarius. A splendid plant, the pileus or cap three to six inches across, of a rich orange scarlet, beset with angular warts. Under beech and birch trees. Plen- tiful throughout the shady parts. Agaricus vernus. Large, white, having a remarkable round volva. High Beach, rare. Agaricus procerus. Parasol mushroom. A handsome, tall, gray plant. The pileus broken up into sub-reflexed scales somewhat resembling thatch. On open spaces, Fairmead, Theydon thickets. Agaricus constrictus. White, stout. Epping Lower Forest, Sept. 1883. Agaricus mucidus. White, very glutinous, very beautiful. Growing in masses or singly, old beech trunks. Agaricus saponaceous. Pretty gray plant, sometimes re- ticulated. Monk Wood, Epping Lower Forest. Agaricus resplendens. Silvery white. Epping Upper Forest, rare. Agaricus cyathiformis. Dark cup-shaped plant. Found in early winter. Epping. Agaricus odorus. Light glaucous green, odour fragrant. Amongst dead leaves. Epping Lower Forest. Agaricus radicatus. Tall handsome plant, very broad distant gills. Old stumps. High Beach, Epping. Agaricus maculatus. Creamy white, often spotted, amongst heather. High Beach, Theydon thickets. Agaricus ostreatus. Oyster mushroom, a very striking plant when seen growing in masses, tiled one above another like shells. Trunks, mostly hornbeam, etc. Epping Lower Forest, High Beach. Agaricus prunulus. White, pink gills. In open glades, on the ground ; many specimens together. High Beach, Epping. Agaricus adiposus. Very handsome when young, the scaly pileus much resembles a pine-apple. Beech trunks. High Beach. Agaricus spectabilis. A very fine conspicuous plant, three