ITS FUNGI. 133 Hydnum erinaceum. A curious plant with long spines, and Stemless. On old pollard oaks, growing high up on the trunk. Rare. Epping Lower Forest. Hydnum cirrhatum. The only plant of this species on record. Growing on trunk of beech near Theydon Road. Craterellus cornucopioides. Singular trumpet-shaped plant. On the ground. Monk Wood. Thelephora multizonata. A very beautiful plant, forming a dense mass of a reddish tint. Very local. Epping Lower Forest. Clavaria aurea. A handsome plant, yellow, very much branched, like red coral. Monk Wood. Clavaria fusiformis. Bright golden yellow, about three inches high. Many individuals collected into a tuft. Clavaria pistillaris. Plant six to ten inches high, in shape of a club. Monk Wood. Phallus impudicus. White, honeycombed, very foetid. Monk Wood, Epping.