PREFACE. searchers into nature. I have therefore added some chapters on the different forms of life which they may expect to find in the course of their rambles. In this task I have been much assisted by such able naturalists and experienced observers as Professor Boulger, Mr. T. E. Harting, Mr. English, and others. Mr. Heywood Sumner has embellished the text with some charming drawings, some of which I hope will incidentally be of value in helping to identify the features and landmarks by which I have sought to point out the way. To Mr. J. Wycliffe Taylor and to Mr. Moon I am also indebted for some beautiful sketches, most truthful to nature, in the one case of birds, and in the other of flowers. I have also to thank my brother-verderers and several of my neighbours for many valuable sug- gestions. I fear that my book in its present form is rather too expensive for common use, but I hope it is only the forerunner of a much cheaper edition. E. N. BUXTON. Knighton, August 1884.