ITS HISTORY 17 funds having been raised, an action was com- menced in support of the lopping right, and this step, involving a legal claim, resulted in an order by the Court for the maintenance of the status quo in Loughton Forest pending the decision of the case. Although this case dragged its slow length for several years, and was never finally de- cided, it had the most important consequences. The time gained, during which the Forest was practically saved from further inroads, allowed public interest in the question to grow, and brought into the field more powerful combatants, whose resources were used to raise wider and more far- reaching issues. Still the attitude of the lords of the manor was so confident, and the combined front which they showed was so firm, that they succeeded in persuading the Government of the strength of their case, and a Bill was actually intro- duced into Parliament by the First Commissioner of Works, which would have given the public only a paltry 600 acres, with leave to purchase at full market value 400 more, which were allotted as compensation to the commoners, the whole of the remaining 5000 acres being absolutely made over to the manorial owners. I well remember the meeting, which was held at this crisis, of the Commons Preservation Society, at that time the only organised body which seemed to care for the interests of the public. So dark was the outlook that it was seriously debated by the com- mittee whether this so-called compromise should be accepted. It is not too much to say that the fate of the Forest trembled round the table where this committee sat. If weak-kneed counsels had then prevailed, the Bill would probably have passed without opposition, and the Forest, as we know it, would have ceased to exist. Happily a spirited policy carried the day. The Bill was vigorously opposed, and dropped, and Mr. Cowper-Temple subsequently carried against the Government an address to the Crown, calling upon it to preserve those parts of Epping Forest which had not been enclosed by legal authority. The immediate result