30 EPPING FOREST in the hollow to the right of it, are seen about half a mile distant. The whole of the treeless space here seen was enclosed about 1860, and cultivated, but subse- quently restored to 'the Forest. Though it is covered with grass, signs of its former cultivation are still seen in the ridges and furrows formed when it was arable land, and which sadly mar its grace. The Conservators will be grateful to any one who will suggest a cheap and effectual means of levelling these regular irregularities. To the left of this lies the great mass of the Forest, which extends from here nearly to Epping in a broad belt, 4 miles long, and comprises in one block about 4000 acres, nearly the whole of which is covered with a thicket, more or less dense, of oak, beech, hornbeam, crab, maple, thorn, birch, and holly. The whole of this wild and beautiful wood is worthy of exploration by the visitor, but from the absence of landmarks, and the intricacy of the glades and rides, it is not very easy to indi- cate clearly the best routes. The immediate purpose being to cross it to Loughton, keep to the left and follow the highest part of the ridge, which leads in a curved line to the " Bury Path," an old forest way from Chingford to Sewardstone, which has recently been gravelled. Crossing this, immediately to the left of Mr. Earee's entertainment pavilion, seen on the right front, follow a narrow ride which leads from this point, in an easterly direc- tion, to Connaught Water; or else, keeping rather more to the left, enter a picturesque green glade which runs eastwards from the " Woodman's Arms," a small inn on the edge of the Forest. This leads in a few hundred yards to a little winding rill called " Cuckoo Brook." Follow its right bank for 100 yards, then cross it by a well-defined track, and ascend the opposite hill to some shallow ponds known as the " Cuckoo Pits." Soon after passing these, the visitor, if he does not lose his way in the mazes of this part of the Forest, but keeps his head, and his easterly direction, comes in