ITS TOPOGRAPHY 35 ROUTE H 23/4 miles Keeping rather more to the right than in the last route, but to the left of the straight ditch below the Forest Hotel, enter the wood where a small stream, with a winding course, leaves it. Follow the left side of this for 300 or 400 yards, then cross it and ascend a low rise to the Cuckoo Pits. Immediately beyond these the Green Ride is entered. This must be followed to the point where it makes a sharp turn at right angles towards Fairmead Road. Instead of turning with it keep straight on to a wide opening in the thicket, visible in front, in the direction of the spire of High Beach Church. After crossing Almshouse Plain, ascend the hill to High Beach, leaving Fairmead Lodge on the right. ROUTE I 3 miles Those who prefer hard road or path to any of the above alternatives must follow the " Ranger's " road past the Forest Hotel as far as Connaught Water. Then turn to the left along its margin by the "red path." This leads into the road along Fairmead Bottom to High Beach. ROUTE J LOUGHTON TO HIGH BEACH 21/4 miles On leaving Loughton Station, keep a straight course by the Station Road, through the village to Staples Pond. Enter the Forest on the left of the pond. A few yards from the head of the pond diverge from the wide green ride by a narrow ride on the left. This leads over a low rise to a rushy