60 EPPING FOREST Rydyng forester and Ranger to th'entent that yf the sayd deer be mete for the Kyng's Hyghnesse then that yt be sent to his hyghnes, and yf convenyent tyme serve not, then that it be distrybutyd by the discretion of the lieu tenant, and in his absens by the sayd Rydyng forester or Ranger, best for the savegarde of the kyng's game. " //. The sayd Lieu tenant Rydyng forester or Ranger to certyfy at the next Swanymote to the Clerke and withal to what persons the same deer so kyllyd by chaunce and recovered is distrybuted. "It. That noo keper hunt or suffer any person to hunt within his walke for any fee deer but suche as before this tyme hath used to hunt for their disport and plesure for the kyllyng of their fee deer. " It. Every keper yf he lyst to call his neyburs or borderers to assyst hym to hunt, and serve his warrant or commandment to th'entent they may take sport, and therby to increase frendschyppe and amytie. '' It. The freeholders to hunt and take disport for the kyllynge of the fee deer by the only syght of the lieu tenant, and in his absens, of the Rydyng forester or Ranger. " It. That noo keper, his servants or deputies use or kepe in ther howses or walke any crossbow except yt be the lieu tenant. "It. That noo keper suffer noo crossbow to be kept or used in his walke as nere as he can, except the per- son that so hath or use yt may so justyfy the keping therof by the kynges lawes, and yf he find or sees any suche crossebow, lett yt be dylyvred to the Clerke of the Swanymote to th' entent that dew punyschement may be . . . accordynge to the kyngs lawes and therupon informacion to be gyvyn in th' exchequer. '' It. Yf any keper suspect any person in his walke to kepe any crosebow in hys howse, then lett hym take with hym a verderer, or constable of the parische where the party so suspect dwellyth, and serche the howse. Yf any be founde, lett yt be dylivered as ys aforsayd. "It. That every noble man may hunt and take his disport and plesure in the same forest [accordynge] at ther peryll accordyng as the kyngs lawes will suffer them, and the keper to gyve them the lokyng over, and to make them suche sport as it apperteynyth to a noble man, and the sayd keper to certyfye the same at the next Swanymote. '' It. That the warrants commandements and other fee deer be taken equally when yt may be moste con- venyently sparyd by the outsyght and discrecion of the sayd lieu tenant Rydynge forester and Ranger, or one of them, in absens of the resydew. "It. Noo keper or forester, lieu tenant Rydyng for- ester, Ranger or ther seruants hunt or any wyse by nyght, onless yt be for the recoverie of sum hurt or chased deer. " It. That noo person taken by the kepers or any other offycers be commytted to warde or letten to bayll