94 EPPING FOREST aquatic larvae, each in its own specially constructed tubular dwelling, are common in pools and streams ; the beautiful Lace-winged Flies (Hemerobiidae) so commonly to be beaten out of the trees and bushes, where the larvae have battened on the Aphides ; and the active Scorpion Flies (Panorpidae), formid- able-looking but harmless; the two British species Panorpa communis and germanica are common in our woods and hedgerows. Nor will space allow of more than a passing reference to the families of Hemiptera, abundant as they are in the forest. Among the true Hemiptera (Heteroptera) we find many examples of the brightly coloured and active Plant-bugs (Pyrrhocoridae and allied families), the Water-bugs including the Water-boatmen (Notonectidae) and the Water-scorpion (Nepa cineraria) frequent in sluggish streams. In the sub-order Homoptera are the active Frog-hoppers (Cercopidae) connected in popular lore with the cuckoo; countless hordes of Plant-lice (Aphidae) ; and the very curious little " Powder-flies," Aleyrodidae, several species of which are common among the beeches, and which were formerly mistaken for moths. Among the Orthoptera, the Crickets (Gryllidae) and the Grasshoppers (Acridiidae) must be left to chirp their own praises, and there are several species to join in the chorus. Every one knows the Earwig, but there is a small species, Labia minor, which is commonly seen flying in the hot sunshine along roads or near farmyards. At least one species of Cockroach (Blattidae) is found in the forest, Ectobia lapponica, which often comes to " sugar" spread on trees to attract Noctuae; and but few can have failed to notice the pretty little Locustid, Meconema varium, pale green in colour, and with long graceful antennae, and very capable hind-legs, which is often seen on trunks, or is beaten from the oaks and hornbeams in the late summer by collectors of caterpillars. We have left the Beetles (Coleoptera) until the last; it would be impossible in a few paragraphs to give an adequate idea of the varied forms of