PREFACE TO FOURTH EDITION As the public have absorbed several thousands of this little guide, I am tempted to reissue it with some emendations and additions. Those whose duty it is to manage the Forest are the target of numerous criticisms and suggestions. I have therefore written a chapter on the Management of the Forest, in which I have examined the debatable questions of policy and principle upon which the well-being of the woodland and its continued natural character depend. The number of those who study some branch of natural history within the precincts of the Forest is largely on the increase. I have en- deavoured to give some directions for the guidance of these students, and I have been so fortunate as to secure the co-operation of Mr. T. V. Holmes, Mr. Henry Woodward, Mr. W. Cole, and Mr. M. C. Cooke, in those branches of science of which they are distinguished exponents. Since the first issue of this book in 1885, Mr. Fisher's learned and exhaustive work on the Forest of Essex has appeared. To its pages I am in- debted, and to them I would refer all who desire to study those ancient forestal customs upon which I have but briefly touched. I am also indebted to my neighbour Mr. W. C. Waller, who