President's Page Charles Watson 18 Thorley Park Road, Bishops Stortford, Herts CM23 3NQ Last year over 100 members and friends attended our second Annual Exhibition and Social. This was a big increase on the previous year and confirmation that the Club now has a successful event that gives everyone a chance to meet and see what has been happening. I know that the AGM fulfils these functions to some extent, but it does not provide the time or space to discuss and display things in the same relaxed and friendly way. This year's Exhibition will be on Saturday December 7"' at the Red Cross Hall in Chelmsford from 2.30pm onwards (open to exhibitors from 1.30pm). We plan to have exhibits of all kinds relating to Essex wildlife, and updates by the Club's Recorders. Members' specimens are welcome and you can bring items for identification. We would also like to have new and second-hand natural history books for sale, so any donations will be welcome. All in all, there will be lots to see and talk about, and a chance to meet friends and make new contacts. Admission is free. Food and wine is free. This is your show, so come and enjoy the afternoon, pay next year's sub and collect your new copy of the Essex Naturalist (which costs the Club a fortune to post). Exhibitors please bring a summary of your exhibit to hand in at the start, so that we can continue to summarise each year's exhibition in the Essex Naturalist. Put the date in your calendar now. Bring a friend! A new Orthoptera Recorder Alan Wake has decided it is time to pass on the role of Essex Orthoptera Recorder, and Council is pleased to announce that Tim Gardiner has agreed to take over. Tim can be contacted at Writtle College, Lordship Road, Writtle, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 3RR. Tel: 01245 424200 email: We are very grateful to Alan for all his enthusiasm and work in the county, and for his contributions to the forthcoming Essex Red Data list and Essex Red Data Book. Even after leaving Essex for Gloucestershire some years ago, Alan continued as County Recorder, producing the Grasshoppers and Crickets of Essex published by Colchester Natural History Society in 1997 and provided regular updates in the Essex Naturalist. We wish him the best of luck, and hope he stays closely involved with Essex! Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 39, September 2002 1