During subsequent weeks I visited further garden centres, mainly in North Essex, and recorded this species, in Chelmsford, Frinton, Braintree and Eastwood. It appears that this spider has arrived from Holland in consignments of pot plants and this is a key feature for the would-be recorder. U. plumipes is to be found in warm garden centres on the building supports immediately adjacent to the pot plant section of the garden centre. The shape is characteristic and they are often silhouetted against the sky. Roadside nurseries without pot plants are not productive and a suivey to record this spider may take only a few minutes. It is not necessary to spend money in each centre visited! Current distribution of Uloborus plumipes in garden centres in the county map produced using DMAP, a mapping program developed by Dr Alan Morton This is a species new to this country whose spread can be easily monitored. Perhaps in due course it will become established in conservatories. References Harvey, P. Uloborus plumipes, look for this spider in your garden centre! EFC Newsletter 36:12-13, September 2001. 10 Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 39, November 2002