President's Page Peter Allen 13, Churchgate, Cheshunt, Herts EN8 9NB 01992 630661 peter. allen6@virgin. net This has been a very busy summer for me and, I am sure, for you also. As we go into the autumn, the main thing I would like to draw you attention to is the Annual Exhibition and Social that Council is instigating as an amiual event. The first occasion we will be holding this event is Saturday, November 18, starting at 2.30 (but the hall will be open from 1.30 for displays to be set up). The Field Club's Recorders, specialist groups and some outside bodies will be putting up exhibits. We already know that there will be exhibits covering geology (progress on the English Nature volume on the Quaternary geological SSSIs of East Anglia; the work of the RIGS - Regionally Important Geological Sites- group), small fauna (new species of bumblebees found in Essex and the soon to be published 'Bumblebees of Essex' volume by Ted Benton; spider records for Essex), flora (progress on mapping the flora of Essex and the Red Data Book). We are also hoping there will be exhibits from English Nature and displays on the Red Data Book, biodiversity in Essex and the veteran trees of Essex. There will be something for everybody and this will be an excellent chance for you to bring along anything you wish to display or seek advice about for identification. Field Club publications will also be available for purchase. This will also be an excellent chance to see what is happening in the Field Club and to meet friends in a pleasant and convivial atmosphere. Light refreshments will be available. Members and their guests will be very welcome. Please make a note : ANNUAL EXHIBITION AND SOCIAL SATURDAY 18 NOVEMBER 2.30 PM (Doors open from 1.30 for exhibitors) EXHIBITS, DISPLAYS, PROGRESS REPORTS, PUBLICATIONS REFRESHMENTS RED CROSS HALL, CHELMSFORD (Junction of Writtle Road and New London Road) (Parking available at rear, via Writtle Road) Members and guests welcome. Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 33, September 2000 1