Corrections: Plate 2 in the last newsletter 39 should be Bird's-foot Ornithopus perpusillus, not Bird's-foot Clover Trifolium ornithopodioides. In the Meetings Programme the April 13th fungus meeting is Sunday, not Saturday. SUBSCRIPTION REMINDER Subscriptions for the year 2003 were due on the 1st January. Subscriptions remain an absolute bargain at £10 for an ordinary member and £12.50 for family membership. If you have not yet paid, please send your subscription to the Membership Secretary Del Smith, 12 Tring Gardens, Harold Hill, Romford, Essex RM3 9EP or the Treasurer John Bath, 34 Chestnut Avenue, Billericay, Essex CM12 9JF. Every year a great deal of effort and money is spent reminding some members about their subscription. Why not help the Club and take out a standing order. A flea record Ken Hill 93 Elmshurst Drive, Hornchurch, Essex RM11 1NZ Some weeks ago, I was having my breakfast when I felt something jump onto my wrist. I caught it between index finger and thumb and managed to pot it, then transferred it to a small collecting tube, with 70% industrial meths. I sent it to Mr. Flea, Bob George in Bournemouth, who identified it for me as Orchopeas howardi (Baker) the flea off the Grey Squirrel, Sciurus carolinensis. It was introduced into Britain (accidentally, no doubt!) with its host in 1876, but Bob says it is now quite common, he has had as many as 3,400 from a 1/4 drey once!! However, the exciting thing for me was that I had supplied him with a new 10km square record. What I would emphasise is, that without records of even what seems to be the most common species of plant or animal, no-one can assume that anything is already known to the recorders, and all records are worthwhile, so long as they are accurate. Bob George would welcome fleas from anywhere, provided they have data - location, grid reference or postcode, date, etc: please send to R.S. George, F.L.S., F.R.E.S. 54 Richmond Park Avenue, Bournemouth, Dorset BHR 9DR Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 40, January 2003 1