also be eligible to apply for a number of different grants, such as from the Heritage Lottery Fund. The Club has a substantial Library and Museum collection, presently in temporary accommodation, the possession of which would enhance our bid to become a charity, but which desperately needs funds to become set up in a permanent building so that access is possible for serious study. To become a charity, our present set of Rules is not likely to prove acceptable, but we now have a proposed new set of Rules, with a number of minor changes, which we hope will be acceptable. The proposed new Rules are enclosed, and members will note that the changes make little difference to the way the Club currently operates. The Council have debated these issues, and are unanimous in recommending (1) that the Club should seek charitable status, and (2) that the proposed new Rules be adopted for the Club. The Club wishes the AGM to decide (1) whether to seek charitable status and (2) whether to adopt the proposed new Rules. The new Rules, and suitable accompanying documentation, would then be submitted to the Charity Commissioners for their consideration of our claim. If the Charity Commissioners decide that small further changes are needed, and if these are acceptable to Council, then an Extraordinary General Meeting will be called to approve, or otherwise, these further changes. Mission statement The Essex Field Club aims to develop and use its knowledge and expertise to help and encourage the people and organisations of Essex to enjoy, understand, study and record Essex wildlife and geology. Objectives by which our aims are to be achieved • To promote environmental education through a series of meetings, the publication of newsletters and journals as well as special guides, occasional papers and through the website. • To encourage and provide a focus for the gathering, organising and storage of information on the flora, fauna, geology and lithic archaeology of Essex. • To encourage and support the maintenance of an up-to-date record of all local sites of natural history, geology or lithic archaeology interest in Essex. • To make data and historical material available, where appropriate, for the purposes of conservation, research, monitoring, education and general information. Rules 1. Name The Society shall be called "The Essex Field Club", hereafter referred to as the Club. 2. Constitution and Officers The Club shall consist of Ordinary Members, Honorary Members and affiliated bodies. The President, the Vice-President, the Treasurer and the General Secretary shall be the Officers of the Club. The Membership Secretary, Programme Secretary, Minuting Secretary, Publications Editor(s), Collections and Library Assistant, and/or others deemed necessary by Council, shall be the Assistant Officers. Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 40, January 2003 3