nominations shall be read at the Annual General Meeting, when the Officers, their Assistants (if any) and Ordinary Members of Council shall be elected (by ballot if necessary). Should a vacancy occur among the officers on the Council, the Council may appoint an Acting Officer or co-opt a Member to the Council to fill the vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting. 9. Chairman of Meeting In the absence of the President and Vice-President, the Members present at any meeting of the Club may elect a Chairman for that meeting. 10. Application for Membership All applicants for membership shall, prior to first becoming a Member, sign an application form. Membership shall be conferred by payment of the subscription. Members shall be bound by the Rules of the Club, which shall be forwarded upon receipt of the subscription. Membership shall terminate on the expiry of the period to which the payment relates. Renewal of membership shall be by payment of the subscription for the subsequent period. In exceptional circumstances, membership may be terminated at any time by a majority of the Members of the Council present and voting at any Council meeting. 11. Rights of Members and Non-members Members and Non-members may attend all the meetings of the Club, other than Council or Committee meetings, may consult the Library and Museum for serious study in accordance with the regulations, and may place contributions in the publications as deemed appropriate. Only Members may vote at the Annual General Meeting. Members are entitled to receive one copy of each of the regular publications, and may purchase special publications, sometimes at discounted prices. Non-members may purchase any of these publications. 12. Subscriptions There shall be an annual membership subscription payable immediately on joining and thereafter on 1 st January each year. A separate rate may be fixed for Family Membership, and Members who are full time students under the age of 18 may pay a reduced subscription. Only one copy of each publication is included in Family Membership. Levels of subscriptions shall be determined by Council. Members joining after 1st October each year shall be exempt from payment of subscriptions for that year, but shall not be entitled to receive a copy of publications issued during that year. Only Members paying a full subscription for the category of membership appropriate to them shall be entitled to receive the regular publications of the Club. Lesser payments shall be treated as donations and ipso facto membership of the Club shall cease. Lapsed Members can receive the missed publications by payment of all arrears. Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 40, January 2003 5