13. Honorary Members Honorary Members shall be persons of eminence in natural history, geology or lithic archaeology, or those who have rendered special service to the Club. They shall be appointed by the Council and no subscription shall be required of them. 14. Affiliation Libraries, museums and similar organisations maybe affiliated to the Club on payment of a subscription determined by Council. Such organisations shall be entitled to receive publications of the Club on the same basis as Ordinary Members. An affiliated organisation, through its Secretary or other accredited representative, shall be entitled to exercise a right of one vote at the Club's Annual General Meetings. 15. Minutes of Council Meetings Minutes shall be kept at each Council Meeting and read at the next Council Meeting. 16. Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting shall be held in March, when the Report of Council shall be presented, together with an account of the past year's income and expenditure, duly signed by both Auditors. Minutes shall be kept at each Annual General Meeting and read at the next Annual General Meeting. A copy of the documents produced shall be forwarded to the Charity Commissioners soon after the Meeting. 17. Special Meetings The Council may at any time, and shall upon request signed by no less than twelve Members, convene a Special Meeting. A copy of the agenda shall be sent by post to every Member at least ten days before the date of such a meeting. 18. Accounts The accounts of the Club shall be made up to December 31 st in each year and shall be audited by an independent and suitably qualified person, to be appointed by Council. 19. Museum and Library The Club owns a Museum Collection and Library relating to the work done by Essex naturalists and geologists in the past, which is available for personal study and research. Many of the items are valuable, so access is to be authorised and/or supervised by one of the appropriate people appointed by the Club. Application should be made in the first instance to the President or Vice-President. 20. Alteration of Rules No Rule shall be altered or repealed, nor shall any addition be made to the Rules, except by a majority of the Members present at an Annual General Meeting or a Special Meeting. Details of proposed alterations shall be sent by post to every Member, at the address for that Member last known to the General Secretary, at least ten days before the date of the Meeting. 6 Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 40, January 2003