A request for records of amphibians and reptiles Jon Cranfield 14 Wiltshire Road, Eastleigh S053 3EZ I am currently collating all the available herpetofauna records for Essex onto a biological database. I have been putting David Scott's records onto computer to be used in an updated atlas 2003 and a new book for Essex 2004. We need records of all species of herps from 1983 to 2002, providing location name, date, grid reference (6 figure if possible) what species and what type of habitat. We are very interested in any new records that have been collected over the last survey season -records can be sent to the County Recorder David Scott at Court Hill, Church Lane, Little Leighs, Chelmsford CM3 1PG (email David.Scott76@btopenworld.com) or alternatively email essex_arg@hotmail.com All contributors will be acknowledged in the new atlas and will each receive a copy. Amphibians of Essex (excluding exotics) Reptiles of Essex (excluding exotics) 354 records so far 216 records so far Adder Vipera berus observations at Hadleigh Castle Country Park 2002 Jon Cranfield 14 Wiltshire Road, Chandlers ford Eastleigh, Hampshire S053 3EZ 02380 276317 or 07769 644354 jonathan.cranfield@btopenworld.com In recent years I have become interested in the Adder population within Hadleigh Castle Country Park. Over the spring and summer months Andrew Woodhouse and myself have been surveying for adders within a warm sunny bank area. The area is just a little way from a well-used path. The situation shows how little of a threat these snakes are to people. While searching for snakes, people often enquire what you are doing? When the people are told that adders are being looked for they are either 'amazed' or 'frightened'. One couple had walked their dog along the paths we were on, for 15 years, had not seen a 18 Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 40, January 2003