Essex amphibian and reptile records update David Scott Court Hill, Church Lane, Little Leighs, Chelmsford CM3 1PG & Jonathan Cranfield 14 Wiltshire Road, Eastleigh S053 3EZ A big thank you goes to all the Essex Field Club members that have responded so far to the request for Herpetofauna records in Essex (Essex Field Club Newsletter No 40 page 18). As reported in the newsletter article there were around 354 Amphibian records and 216 reptile records for the county. David Scott has received quite a few records over the last two seasons and since the request was published (see table 1). Table 1: Summary of the total number of Essex herpetofauna records and records collated in the 2001/2002-survey season. Species Common Frog Rana temporaria Smooth Newt Triturus vulgaris Great Crested Newt Triturus cristatus Common Toad Bufo bufo Grass Snake Natrix natrix Viviparous Lizard Lacerta vivipara Slowworm Anguis fragilis Adder Vipera berus Palmate Newt Triturus helveticus TOTAL A total of 863 amphibian records and 416 reptile records have been collated for Essex from the Essex Field Club and Essex Amphibian and Reptile Group herpetofauna databases. A good piece of news is that the number of known Great Crested Newt sites has increased from 187 (Froglife, 2001) to 228 an increase of 22%. This is a good step towards establishing the 'true distribution of the species by 2005' (Thompson 1999) which is a key target in the Essex Biodiversity Action Plan. An exciting site is located in Hawkwell, Rochford where there is possibly, the largest colony of Great Crested Newts in Essex (Foster, J Per's corns). 211 adult newts were counted, at night, on the 21 st April 2000. A torch survey carried out by Louis Lawler on the 30"'April 2001 revealed 114+ adults. The count was achieved in difficult conditions (low water & high vegetation) it was felt that the count didn't reflect the actual number (Lawler, 2001). The estimate for the population is between 1000 (Lawler, 2001) and Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 41, May 2003 11