2110 (Cranfield, pers com) newts. It is hoped that further surveys will produce more information to allow for the site to be designated as a SSSI. The Palmate Newt Triturus helveticus is known from a total of 76 sites in Essex. This is a substantial increase in the known range of this 'local and uncommon' (Plant, 1983) Essex species. At least 20 sites exist within its stronghold Epping Forest (Scott, D 1998). There are sites in Basildon, Braintree, Brentwood, Castlepoint, Chelmsford, Colchester and Rochford. It is hoped that the information in table 1 provides support to its inclusion onto the Red Data list for Essex. A number of key reptile sites were found in Basildon, Hadleigh, Brentwood and Chelmsford during 2001/2002. It is hoped that the information being collected, at several of these sites will be fed, into the planning system to designate County Wildlife Sites (CWS) or Sites Important for Nature Conservation (SINC) based on reptile selection criteria which is being devised by DEFRA. Are there any good reptile sites found in the North of the county? It would be very interesting to know if anyone has seen any snakes in Uttlesford or Tendring. We hope that over the coming seasons we will receive further records and sightings of herpetofauna in preparation for the new atlas planned for the end of 2003 or the beginning of 2004. This document will help to provide an indication of conservation status for each herpetofauna species in the county. Acknowledgements We would like to encourage more people to contribute to the ongoing survey for Amphibians and Reptiles in Essex. Please send records to David Scott the County Recorder. We would like to express our thanks to the following people for sending in records and helping with surveys in Essex: D. Corke, R. Cranfield, D. Downs, W Farmer, Z. Freeman, T. Gardiner, B. Hale, P. Harvey, M. Heyward, R. Kirton, A. Knowles, L Lawler, R. Martin, P. More, S. More, D. Murray, S. Nelson, R. Payne, R. Ruffell, M. Smith, N. Stanley, D. Stanton, T Tarpey, P. Terry, P. Treadwell, S. Ward, L. Wenlock, J. Wisbey and A. Woodhouse. References Froglife (2001) A preliminary Records Review and Strategic Conservation plan for the Great Crested Newt in Essex. Lawler L (2001) Great Crested Newt and Repti le survey of Former scrap yard, Rectory Avenue, Ashingdon Rochford, Essex. Unpublished report Ecological sustainability Ltd, London. 12 Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 41, May 2003