SUBSCRIPTION REMINDER - NEW RATES Subscriptions for the year 2004 were due on the Ist January. If you have not yet paid, please send your subscription to the Membership Secretary Del Smith, 12 Tring Gardens, Harold Hill, Romford, Essex RM3 9EP Please note that as indicated in the last newsletter, subscriptions are now £15 for an ordinary member and £17.50 for family membership. We very much hope you will continue to support the Club and renew your subscription. If you pay by standing order please complete the new one sent out in December with the Essex Naturalist. If you do not currently pay by standing order, please consider changing to this method. Every year a great deal of effort and money is spent reminding some members about their subscription. President's Page M.W.Hanson 3 Church Cottages, Church Road, Boreham, Essex CM3 3EG I am writing just a couple of days after our fourth annual exhibition and social in Chelms- ford. In my opinion it was the best ever and attracted around a hundred visitors, the vast majority Field Club members. The exhibits were of a high standard and, judging by the constant 'buzz' of conversation, the afternoon was very much enjoyed by all who par- ticipated. The buffet, provided by Mary Smith, was sumptuous and much appreciated by all who attended. The afternoon was nicely rounded off by the attendance of our celeb- rity member Germaine Greer! The event really does go from strength to strength and has become an important event in the Field Club programme allowing members recorders and other organisations to swap ideas and catch up with the latest news from the various biological recording disciplines. Many members picked up their copy of the new Essex Naturalist, which saves us quite a sum in postage. I thought the front cover of this year's issue was inspirational - the puddingstone section is one of the most eye catching covers I can remember. It prompts me to suggest that we should produce a 'coffee table' book on the best of Essex wildlife, illustrated with colour photographs taken by the many talented photographers in the county. Let me know what you think. INDOOR GENERAL MEETING 1450 to be held at 8pm Wednesday 18th February 2004 at the Blessed Sacrament Church Hall, Melbourne Avenue, Chelmsford. It is 200m east of Chignall Rd and 900m north of Roxwell Rd Al060 at TL688084, parking adjacent. Our late winter meeting this year offers something a bit different, with a general "show and tell" night! We invite all members to come along with a few slides (max 10) of natural history interest, covering Essex or further afield, or any object of natural history interest/curiosity value for a "nature table". There will be opportunities to chat with new members and old friends to whet the appetite for the coming year. Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 43, January 2004 1