Proposed new rules of the Essex Field Club Mission statement The Essex Field Club aims to develop and use its knowledge and expertise to help and encourage the people and organisations of Essex to enjoy, understand, study and record Essex natural history. (Natural history includes fauna, flora, geology and lithic archaeology.) RULES 1. The title shall be the ESSEX FIELD CLUB, hereafter referred to as the Club. 2. Subject to the matters set out below the Club and its property shall be administered and managed in accordance with these Rules by the members of Council, constituted by section 4 of these Rules (Council: composition). 3. The objects of the Club shall be: 3.1 To study and record the natural history of the County of Essex, for the education and benefit of the general public. (Essex is defined here as the total of the two Watsonian Vice-counties of North Essex and South Essex.) 3.2 To promote environmental education through meetings, the publication of an annual journal, newsletters, special guides, occasional papers and through the website. 3.3 To encourage and support the maintenance of an up-to-date record of all local sites relating to the natural history of Essex. 3.4 To promote interest in the natural environment generally and to liaise with other natural history societies and conservation bodies in or around Essex. 3.5 To make data and historical material available, where appropriate, for the purposes of conservation, research, monitoring, education and general information. 4. The Council: composition 4.1 The whole Council shall comprise at least 5 members (4 Officers and one ordinary member), up to a maximum of 24 members, and all together shall be the Body of Trustees. 4.2 The President, the Vice-President, the Treasurer and the General Secretary shall be the Officers of the Club. The Membership Secretary, Programme Secretary, Minuting Secretary, Publications Editor(s), Collections and Library Assistant, and/or others deemed necessary by Council, shall be the Assistant Officers. 4.3 The Council shall consist of the Officers, the Assistant Officers, Permanent Past- Presidents (if any) (see rule 4.4), Group Representatives (if any) (see rule 6.3), and usually six ordinary members (if fewer than six, the number shall be not less than one fifth of the total Council). Ex officio members of Council may not also be elected members. 4.4 Past Presidents shall hold office as Permanent Past-Presidents during their membership of the Club. For a period of five years following their term of office as President they shall be ex- officio Members of Council. They are included in the body of Trustees for this five year period. 4.5 Should a vacancy occur during the year, the Council may appoint an Acting Officer or co-opt a member to the Council to fill the vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting. The number of co-opted members on the Council shall not exceed one third of the total members of the Council. 4 Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 43, January 2004