9.4 Libraries, museums, local natural history societies, public organisations, private companies and any similar organisations may be Corporate members of the Club on payment of the appropriate subscription. Such Corporate members shall be entitled to receive publications of the Club on the same basis as ordinary members, and, through its Secretary or other accredited representative, shall be entitled to exercise a right of one vote at the Club's Annual General Meetings. 9.5 Members of eminence in an area of natural history, or who have rendered special service to the Club, may be approved as Honorary members by Council. They are not required to pay any subscriptions but will receive all the benefits of membership. 9.6 There shall be an annual membership subscription payable immediately on joining and thereafter on 1 st January each year. 9.7 Levels of subscriptions shall be determined by Council. 9.8 Members joining after 1st October each year shall be exempt from payment of subscriptions for that year, but shall not be entitled to receive a copy of publications issued during that year. 9.9 Only members paying a full subscription for the category of membership appropriate to them shall be entitled to receive the regular publications of the Club. Lesser payments shall be treated as donations and ipso facto membership of the Club shall cease. Lapsed Members can receive the missed publications by payment of all arrears. 9.10 Members and non-members are invited to attend all the meetings of the Club, other than Council or Committee meetings, may consult the Library and Collections for serious study in accordance with the provisions under 14, and may place contributions in the publications as deemed appropriate. Only members may vote at the Annual General Meeting. Members are entitled to receive one copy of each of the regular publications, and may purchase special publications, sometimes at discounted prices. Non-members may purchase any of these publications. 10. Finance: 10.1 The Treasurer shall keep the accounts for the Club. 10.2 The funds of the Club shall be held first in a General Account in the name of the Club. 10.3 Cheques drawn on the General Account must be signed by any two of the four Officers of the Club. 10.4 Council may establish such Special Accounts, in the name of the Club, as it considers necessary. 10.5 Investment funds other than in a bank account shall stand in the name of the four Officers of the Club (the holding trustees) and both capital and interest may only be spent in furtherance of the Club's objects at the discretion of the Council. The investments shall be in such securities as are lawfully decided by the Council. The holding trustees are not to be held liable for the acts and defaults of the other members of the Council or the Club. 10.6 The Accounts shall be made up to 31st December each year by the Treasurer, and the Statement of Accounts presented, duly audited first by a suitable member of the Club, and then by an independent and suitably qualified person, to the Annual General Meeting. The two auditors shall be appointed by the Council. 10.7 During the continuance of the Club no part of its funds shall be distributed among the members generally, but this rule shall not preclude the Council from making grants to individual members in furtherance of the Club's objects. 10.8 Council may provide indemnity insurance to cover the liability of the Council which by virtue of any rule of law would otherwise attach to them in respect of any negligence, default, Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 43, January 2004 7