layers of tubes. Beneath an ash tree was evidence of the presence of another bracket in the form of dead, jet-black fruiting bodies on the ground. Sure enough on looking up more dead Shaggy Brackets were seen in situ. This species was Inonotus hispidus. Some colourful fungi were conspicuous on wood, including Ascocoryne sarcoides or the Purple Jellytot, which is an ascomycete; the Silverleaf or Chondrostereum purpureum and the orange Wrinkled Crust or Phlebia radiata. The Bleeding Broadleaf Crust or Stereum rugosum produces a red liquid when scraped with a finger nail, unlike the common Hairy Crust or Stereum hirsutum. Two orange, gelatinous species were found namely Calocera cornea or Yellow Buckshorn which is not branched, and the branched Yellow Stagshorn or Calocera viscosa. The most impressive toadstool was Pholiota alnicola or Alder Scalycap. This had a yellow, greasy cap with a few brown specks on the surface and it too was growing on a dead tree. Small Bonnet-caps were quite common; Mycena inclinata or Clustered Bonnet with the stalks fused at the base which were light at the apex and darker at the base; Mycena galericulata or Common Bonnet with cross-veining between the gills; Mycena filopes with a strong smell of iodoform, (also found in other species of Bonnet-cap but which differ in microscopic characters.) and Mycena vitilis or Snapping Bonnet whose stalk snaps audibly when twisted. (This characteristic is apparently shared with Mycena polygramma or Grooved Bonnet which has longitudinal ridges on its stalk and more than 23 gills reaching the stalk.) Grassland species were rarely found. Psathyrella microrhiza or Rootlet Fragicap was growing amongst grass next to the car-park. Very few species of Fragicap can be identified without a microscope. Some fruiting bodies of the Grey Puffball or Bovista plumbea were also located in grassland. Forty two species of fungus were identified by Tony Boniface, Shirley Watson and Mary Smith. Species List Rigidoporus ulmarius; Pholiota alnicola; Bovista plumbea; Mycena inclinata; Daedaleopsis confragosa; Cylindrobasidium evolvens; Auricularia auricula-judae; Auricularia mesenterica; Ganoderma lucidum; Ganoderma resinaceum; Ganoderma adspersum; Chondrostereum purpureum; Bjerkandera adusta; Polyporus squamosus; Paxillus involutus; Inonotus hispidus; Daldinia concentrica; Armillaria mellea agg; Mycena galericulata; Stereum rugosum; Stereum hirsutum; Mycena filopes; Psathyrella microrhiza; Hypoxylon multiforme; Marasmius rotula; Xylaria hypoxylon: Rhytisma acerinum; Phlebia radiata; Nectria cinnabarina; Vuilleminia comedens; Ascocoryne sarcoides; Calocera viscosa; Calocera cornea; Abortiporus biennis; Chlorociboria aeruginascens; Crepidotus variabilis; Hypoxylon fragiforme; Meruliopsis corium; Mycena vitilis; Polyporus brumalis; Trametes versicolor; Trametes gibbosa. Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 43, January 2004 21