President's Page M.W. Hanson 3 Church Cottages, Church Road, Boreham, Essex CM3 3EG 2004 is the tenth anniversary of the closure of the Passmore Edwards Museum and the fourth anniversary of the repatriation of the collections and library back to Essex. It is rather regrettable that despite the efforts of the Field Club Council no resolution to our long-term storage has yet been achieved. In the short term the recent sale of antiquarian books will cover the costs of storage for at least three years (with a surplus to cover the cost of relevant publications in the future). The storage conditions at the facility are not ideal and I think it is imperative that some sort of plan for housing the collections is in place within this timescale. If not, I feel that the collections will have to be dispersed, with some perhaps going to museums (whose own future may not be secure) and some yet again being sold. This would be a sad day for the Field Club, a tragedy for the county of Essex and by setting a precedent, could have unfortunate consequences for other societies' collections. In talking to various people representing groups who might potentially house our collections and library there is often an initial rash of enthusiasm......followed by a site visit which reveals the full extent of the material needing to be stored, at which point some sort of minor shock is registered!!!! To my mind this is completely justifiable...looking after such collections on a long-term basis is likely, however rewarding, to be an expensive and onerous responsibility. One major problem and the stumbling block in every scheme is the lack of funding. The Club may have to make a substantial financial contribution to the establishment of any new facility, e.g. towards construction costs. Hopefully our drive towards charitable status will enable us to be eligible for grants for long-term and short-term storage. I have given some thought to our predicament and below I have listed a number of ideas that I think could potentially help our situation: 1) That we are more pro-active in our desire for money to be willed to the Club... I think we need a will form printed in the Essex Naturalist (as many other societies do). We all enjoy our biological recording and it may well be that when the time comes, some members may wish to put something back into the society that has given them so much pleasure and a point of reference in all their lives. This aspect of finance may become easier once we are a charity. 2) That we seek long-term sponsorship to help the Club with some of its financial responsibilities. For over a hundred years the Club has been the principle purveyor of validated biological records in the county, and it would be appropriate at county level if some sort of contribution towards the continuation Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 44, May 2004 1