Wanstead House on page 180 both are shown as J. Chapman del. et sculp, and I wondered if this person was the John Chapman of Chapman and Andre fame. 3) Page 178 of the parks book shows the ornamental bridge at Gaynes Park, Upminster over the artificially widened river. Does anyone have any idea who landscaped the park or even who it could possibly be stylistically attributed to? MORE HELP NEEDED I think that the wall heritage of Essex is much under-rated and little known -over the years I have come across some superb examples of historic walls - examples I would cite are Colchester town, Audley End, Hatfield Broad Oak church, Lawford church, St. Giles leper hospital at Maldon, Witham - Powers Hall End (Chipping Hill) plus many others I still think a guide and gazetteer would be rather useful with notes on their history, geology and flora. Would anyone be interested in setting up a group to look at walls ?? eventually producing a good wall guide. Any interest would be much appreciated, particularly the locations of any historic or floristically interesting walls. Remember to submit records to help record the county Peter Harvey 32 Lodge Lane, Grays, Essex RM16 2YP gravs@peterharvev.freeserve.co.uk If you have internet access please submit records for any of the 'easily recognisable' insect and spider species that are illustrated and described on the Essex Field Club website at www.essexfieldclub.org.uk You can especially help with some of the widespread garden species that are often under- recorded - we don't often hold field meetings in people's gardens! In spring and early summer tire 'Spring Flower Bee' Anthophora plumipes, the Tawny Mining Bee Andrena fulva, the Dark-edged Bee Fly Bombylius major and the Lily Beetle Lilioceris lilii are key species we would like to know about, as well as the Zebra Spider Salticus scenicus. In the house look out for the Spitting Spider Scytodes thoracica and Daddy Long-legs Spider Pholcus phalangioides. In late summer you surely have the Garden Spider Araneus diadematus in your garden. We would like the record! In the countryside keep a look out for the dramatic red and black froghopper Cercopis vulnerata, and in late summer the 'Wasp Spider' Argiope bruennichi. Also don't forget the regular ladybird survey being run by Paul Mabbott all through the season, the frog and toad survey that was sent out with the January newsletter and the Stag Beetle request later in this issue. If you see any of these species let us know - if possible use the record forms on the website. Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 44, May 2004 3