Whitaker was also the Club's delegate for the annual meetings of the British Association. He was elected President in 1911 and served for three years. Whitaker was a generous benefactor to the Club. He wrote several geological papers for our Transactions and the Essex Naturalist. In addition to the water supply papers listed above, Table 3, he published: Details of Whitaker's contribution to hydrogeology, information about his family life, interesting personality, politics, religion, career with the Geological Survey, work as a bibliographer and his contribution to national learned societies and local field clubs will appear in the new Oxford Dictionary of National Bibliography and in a forthcoming Geological Society special publication on 200 years of British Hydrogeology. Whitaker's obituary, together with a photographic portrait, was penned by Percy Thompson and appeared in the Essex Naturalist Vol. 21(2) pp. 93-96 (1925). From the mid 1860s until his death in the mid 1920s, Whitaker was the pre-eminent Essex geologist. His legacy of maps and papers, listed in Tables 1-5 above, is prodigious and laid the foundations and outlines of Essex geology for others to follow. Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 44, May 2004 17