Collybia bustyracea and its usual sidekicks in this area, Collybia dryophila and Club Foot Clitocybe clavipes. Species found for the first time in the Forest (at least by me) included Mycena pseudopicta - which has a distinctive swollen apex to the stipe - and Marasmius wyneae. None of the field guide illustrations I have seen do justice to the beauty of the latter - the cap being a delicate shade of lilac-grey, complimented by lilac- tinted gills and a stipe that is bright red-brown at the base, fading to yellow further up, then white near the apex. It is most frequently found in beech woods but the small cluster discovered in Birch Spring on November 9"' were growing beneath hornbeam and birch. The season was rounded off with two more Clitocybe - dicolor and hydrogramma. My panel of fungi sniffers - who have to stand in for my insensitive nose - were unanimous that the latter stank of ammonia. The books state that it smells of old chicken sheds - which I suppose amounts to the same thing. One wonders, though, just how many mycologists under the age of fifty have ever been inside a chicken shed - once so common in gardens throughout the land. Perhaps the publishers of field guides should update their descriptions! Additional meetings to the programme issued with the January Newsletter 2004 SUN May 9 BRITISH PLANT GALL SOCIETY MEETING. Hainault Forest Country Park. Meet in the first car park TQ 476926 at 11.00am. Bring packed lunch. Leader: Brian Ecott 020 8550 4078. SUN July 11 SUFFOLK NATURALIST SOCIETY MEETING. "Galls and Antlions" Workshop and field meeting. Meet 11.00am at the Dunwich Reading Room. TM478706. Leader: Mike Kirby, WED Oct 13 FUNGUS FORAY. Foray at Abbots Hall Farm, Great Wigborough. Meet at Abbots Hall Farm at 10am TL963146. Leader Tony Boniface 01245 266316. SUN Nov 21 FUNGUS FORAY. Foray at Norsey Wood, Billericay. Meet 10.00am by Information Centre TQ691956. Return to centre 12.00-12.30 for identification and tea. Leader Barbara Chapman 01268 765597. WED Nov 24 SPECTACULAR PLANTS OP THE WORLD. 'Tales plants tell' A look at some interesting plants from around the world. A talk by Tony Boniface. Hall of the Blessed Sacrament, Melbourne Avenue, Chelmsford TL 689083 8.00pm. 2005 SAT Jan 22 FUNGUS GROUP ANNUAL MEETING. Meet 3.00pm at the home of Tony and Judith Boniface, 40 Pentland Avenue, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 4AZ. TL704089. Review of the year, planning new programme followed by refreshments. 01245 266316. 20 Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 44, May 2004