Essex Field Club Annual General Meeting 125 to be held at 2:30pm Saturday 12th March 2005 at the Blessed Sacrament Church Hall, Melbourne Avenue, Chelmsford. It is about 200m east of Chignall Road and about 900m north of Roxwell Road, A1060, at TL688084, or can be reached by bus 54 which runs every 20 minutes from Chelmsford Bus Station AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence 2. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of 2004 3. Report of Council for 2004 4. Balance Sheet and Accounts for 2004 5. Election of Officers and Members of Council, and Editorial Team 6. Honorary Membership 7. New Rules 8. Any Other Business 9. Members' Notes and Exhibits 10. Presentation by Mark Hanson 'Essex Parks' The Council's nominations for Officers and Council Members to fill vacancies of those retiring are as follows: President Mark Hanson Vice-President Del Smith General Secretary Mary Smith Membership Secretary Del Smith Treasurer John Bath Meetings Secretary Ken Adams Collections and Library Assistant Martin Heywood Editorial Team Dr Ken Adams, Tim Gardiner, Bill George, Dr Chris Gibson, Peter Harvey (Technical Editor), Adrian Knowles Editorial Representative Peter Harvey Ordinary Member of Council Sarah Kenyon Any further nominations must be handed to the President in writing either before or at this meeting. All nominations are to be duly seconded. In the event of no further nominations being received, those nominated will be declared elected at the Annual General Meeting. Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 46, January 2005 3