Proposed new Rules for the Essex Field Club Mary Smith 33 Gaynes Park Road, Upminster, Essex RM14 2HJ Oh no! I hear you say, 'Not more changes? Can't they get it right?' We hope this time we have. This time last year I gave lots of explanations, and thought it was ready to send off to the Charity Commission. However, during the year, Council found a number of points that needed attention, especially with regard to the number of people, and who they were to be, that would constitute the Council. We knew that the Charity Commission favour management groups not too large, and we had lots of bits where people might be entitled to be on Council so a large Council was possible. So, after much discussion, we have firmed up the numbers and definitions, and you will see these changes in section 4 and the bits to which it relates. We had a spot of bother with definitions relating to Recorders and their tasks, so this is clearer in section 6.4. Then we found that our existing (generous and loyal) Auditor was sufficiently independent of the Club finances himself (he audits our accounts only) so a second auditor was not needed; see section 10. A few other minor changes appear in Section 10 because we found out that the exact descriptions of who could be 'holding trustees' were too tightly drawn, and have been relaxed a bit. Section 11 has had a few minor changes too, largely relating to the members of the Council and their election. At that point we realised that the quorum for an AGM or a SGM could consist entirely of Council members, so that has been changed so that does not happen. So this new set of proposed Rules is actually pretty close to last year's, and we really do hope we have worked all the kinks out. It needs people to read it all carefully, as the Charity Commission undoubtedly will, and to check it again, please, before coming to the AGM. The proposed changes follow, and full copies of the proposed new rules will be available at the AGM, or can be posted to anyone in advance if they contact me on 01708 228921 or email Proposed changes to the Rules of the Essex Field Club, for the AGM March 2005 4. The Council: composition 4.1 The whole Council shall comprise at least 5 members (4 Officers and one ordinary member), up to a maximum of 25 members, and all together shall be the Body of Trustees. 4.2 The President, the Vice-President, the Treasurer and the General Secretary shall be the Officers of the Club. The Membership Secretary, Programme Secretary, Minuting Secretary, Collections and Library Assistant, and/or others deemed necessary by Council, up to a maximum of five people, shall be the Assistant Officers. 4.3 The Council shall consist of the Officers, the Assistant Officers, Permanent Past- Presidents (if any) (see rule 4.4), Group Leaders (if any) (see rule 6.3), Editorial Team members (at least one) (see rule 4.5 ) and usually six ordinary members (if fewer than six, the number shall be not less than one fifth of the total Council). 4.4 Past Presidents shall hold office as Permanent Past-Presidents during their membership 4 Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 46, January 2005