of the Club. For a period of five years following their term of office as President they shall be ex-officio Members of Council, but may choose not to serve. Those who wish to serve shall inform the President (or other Officer) by a signed and dated note to that effect, within 3 weeks of the AGM at which Presidency ceased, and are thus included in the Body of Trustees for up to five years. Those declining to serve would not have any part in the general government of the Club, and would not be part of the Body of Trustees. 4.5 The Publications Editor, or the Editorial Team, shall be that person, or those people jointly, responsible for the production of the Newsletter and the Essex Naturalist and'or such other publications of the Club as may be requested by the Council. The Publications Editor, or the Editorial Team, shall be elected by the Annual General Meeting. At least one, and up to three, of these people shall be elected by the Annual General Meeting to serve on the Council. 6. The Council: powers 6.3 Subject to the discretion of the Council, Groups may be formed within the membership of the Club, for the further study of particular aspects of the natural history of Essex. The President and the General Secretary shall be ex-officio members of all Groups. Each Group may elect annually a Group Leader. Up to three Group Leaders may be elected by the Annual General Meeting to serve on the Council. 6.4 The Council may appoint Recorders, who shall be people with particular knowledge of a specialism and able to identify relevant material sent to them. Their names and addresses shall be printed with the list of Officers and their duties shall be to keep records within their respective limits of the natural history of Essex, and to communicate items of interest to the Club. Each Recorder shall be expected to supply a report for publication from time to time, as convenient. 9. Membership: 9.1 The Club shall have the following categories of membership: Ordinary, Family, Junior (under 18), Corporate and Honorary, and/or whatever other categories may be decided by Council from time to time. Only one copy of each publication is included in Family membership. Membership is open to any person interested in the Club and its activities. 10. Finance: 10.3 Cheques drawn on the General Account must be signed by any two of the four Holding Trustees of the Club, who shall be four Officers or Assistant Officers, chosen by the Council of the Club. 10.5 Investment funds other than in a bank account shall stand in the name of the Holding Trustees, and both capital and interest may only be spent in furtherance of the Club's objects at the discretion of the Council. The investments shall be in such securities as are lawfully decided by the Council. The holding trustees are not to be held liable for the acts and defaults of the other members of the Council or the Club. 10.6 The Accounts shall be made up to 31st December each year by the Treasurer, and the Statement of Accounts presented, duly audited by a suitable person, to the Annual General Meeting. The auditor shall be appointed by the Council. Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 46, January 2005 5