Fan Thelephora terrestris. The last of these had been found by Steve Wilkinson a few days earlier at nearby Writtle Park and I was to see it at a number of sites subsequent to the foray, so condition this autumn obviously suited its needs. Inocybe is a genus that I usually pretend not to see but Mary Smith fancied a challenge and managed to identify the only species we found as Inocybe lanuginosa. Meanwhile, Tony took home a button- like Ascomycetes that he keyed out as Rutstroemia echinophila, a species that grows on the rotting husks of Sweet Chestnut. That left me with the Cortinarius, Great! Fortunately, one of the two species, C.decipiens, is not uncommon in the area while the other proved to be one of the more distinctive members of this difficult group, namely, Chemitrichus^ the blue-grey brown cap being flecked with white fleecy scales. There is a particularly fine picture of it in Michael Jordan's 'Encyclopedia of Fungi of Great Britain & Europe7 (David & Charles 1995). Tn addition to fungi we saw a few other items of interest one of which was a caterpillar with a fluorescent green punk rocker haircut and a line of shaving brushes along its back. It turned out to be the larva of a Pale Tussock Calliteara pudibunda. There was also a heard of around 80 Fallow Deer Cervus dama does in the charge of a fine 7- pointer stag. Over 200 of these animals have been shot in the area this autumn, as part of a nationwide cull to reduce numbers by a third, and it is estimated that upwards of 1000 are present in the Writtle Forest area as a whole. The full list of fungi found during the foray was as follows : Amanita citrina var. alba Amanita fulva Amanita rubescens Armillaria mellea Calocera viscosa Cantharellus tubaeformis Clavulina cristatus Clitocybe clavipes Collybia driophila Collybia erythopus Collybia fusipes Collybia maculata Cortinarius decipiens Cortinarius hemitrichus Crepidotus variabilis Daedelopsis confragosa Ganoderma adspersum Griffia frondosa Gymnopilus junonious Hypholoma fasciculare Inocybe lanuginosa Laccaria amethystina Laccaria laccata Lactarius fulvissimus Lactarius plumbeus (= turpis) Lactarius quietus Lactarius subumbonatus (= cimicarius) Lactarius tabidus Leccinum roseofractum Leccinum scabrum Lycoperdon foetidum Lycoperdon perlatum Lyophyllum decastes Mycena galericulata Mycena galopus var. nigra Mycena inclinata Paxillus involutus Phallus impudicus Piptoporus betulinus Pluteus cervinus Psathyrella piluliformis Russula atropurpurea Russula betularum Russula dens folia Russula nigricans Russula ochroleuca Russula pseudointegra Rutstroemia echinophila. Scleroderma citrinum Stereum hirsutum Suillus grevillei Thelephora terrestris Trametes versicolor Xerocomus badius 24 Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 46, January 2005