MapMate is a relational database based on Microsoft Access 97. The program is very intuitive and user-friendly and can be used at a basic level. However, it has considerable depth for those who want to explore further some of its many mapping and query possibilities. It also appears to be very robust. There is a MapMate e-mail group where problems can be posted. Not only are you likely to get a helpful reply from an expert user, the program's author often comments or answers queries and is open to suggestions for improvement. New patches and software updates are regularly available for free downloading from the MapMate website. However, the aim is to keep MapMate straightforward to use without adding lots of features which may be of limited interest to most users. For me, the most important advantages of the package are: • Up to date checklists! Compare this with the dismal Recorder situation. • Seamless transfer of records over the internet. No other package does this. • Ease of data entry. This is easy and quick. Data entry MapMate provides the latest in Rapid Data Entry Technology - with a 'no fuss', simple entry screen and Intelligent checking of your typing as you go... 30 Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 46, January 2005