MapMate comes with up-to-date checklists for most groups of British fauna and flora. Users include national experts in many groups who ensure that the checklists are current Taxa cannot be added to or edited by users, but new species or corrections are patched in on request, usually within a couple of days and users can download updates that automatically install from the MapMate website. There is a single data entry form for each major table: sites, recorders, references (=sources), and records. Once the user sets up relevant sites, recorders and references, entering species records is straightforward. All recurring fields, such as site, date, recorder and reference can be locked, and so entering data from one piece if fieldwork is very quick with typically just species, quantity and sex to add for each record. When entering species records, the first two letters of the genus and the first three of the specific name will fetch either the full name of the species or, in the few cases where these are duplicated, all matching options. Other data entry shortcuts built in include entering 'me' in the Recorder field for your own name, or 'today' in the date field for the current date. • Data Entry features a simplified version of the National Biodiversity Network (NBN) data model - recording just those items you need to keep. Including: site/location, species, quantity, sex, stage, status, date, recorder, determiner, method and a reference - plus a free comment field for additional details. • As well a many overall habitat types to choose from, structural habitat features may be recorded in accordance with Spider Recording Scheme guidelines, a main aim being to obtain the data needed for a better understanding of the ecology and phenology of our spiders and the effects of different habitat management; in short to establish a profile of the ecological characteristics of each British species. • Enter species names whichever way you wish - by scientific or common name - or by standard coding and numbering systems. The program will try to match your entry from minimal and even misspelled typing. • A host of features are built-in to help with your data entry - all identified by recorders and enthusiasts. As you enter data, you can instantly check for: recent records, early and late dates, flight periods, other recorders, other recorded sites and much more! • Powerful Query functions are available from the data entry screen allowing you to find records, sites or recorders that match any criteria you enter. • Fl context sensitive help is always available to give you advice on any aspect of your recording. Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 46, January 2005 31