Produce instant distribution maps At the touch of a button you can see the very latest distribution for any species in your county, local area or even at a national scale: Distribution maps automatically update as you enter data and as you receive records via email from other users in your area - giving you the very latest picture. Another unique MapMate feature is the ability to click on screen and trace back from 'dots' to the original records - giving full data on recorders, dates, localities and other original information! You can copy maps into most word processor or other applications to create your own publications, atlases and newsletters. • Print your maps in 'one to a page' or in entire atlases of thumbnails! Save as EPS files for Mac or professional publication. • MapMate 2 also supports 'raster' or picture maps as backgrounds and has built in calibration for accurate co-ordinate location - plus the latest (2002) hi resolution GB Admin Area boundaries including Unitary Areas and County Districts. You can mix raster and vector data to combine say aerial photography with vector compartment outlines for the ultimate in reserve recording! Analyse your data: MapMate has over 120 built-in Queries to analyse your data - with a powerful and full- featured data browser. No need to fiddle with Report Wizards! • Pre designed queries range from a simple 'species list for a 10km square' to complex species richness analysis. Queries have been designed by users and represent all popular data requests! • View your records by species by year, by grid-squares, by recording method, by recorders, search for duplication, show flight times, new records this year, relative abundance... or just browse through your data... • Many queries allow the use of an asterisk [*] as a wild card. It is thus simple to run a query on a wider site and pull out all the records or just a species list for all sites related in some way, provided these are named consistently. • A number of quick queries are available from the main data entry form. Pressing F5 produces all records matching only the criteria you enter in one or more fields, and is thus an excellent way to review and check what you have inputted after entering records for one piece of fieldwork, when most fields are still locked. • Most queries run against the taxa and geographical defaults currently set up by the user, so it is simple to produce a list of, say, all spider records for a vice-county, or all ground beetles for England. 32 Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 46, January 2005