The 125th Essex Field Club anniversary dinner will be held on 1st October 2005 It will be held at a venue in the Chelmsford area and the cost per person will be not more than £15 for the three course meal. The venue will be arranged once we have ascertained the level of interest. We hope for a high turn out for this historic event and if we are over subscribed tickets will be issued strictly on a first corne first served basis. If you would like to attend, please send your deposit of £10 per person to Del Smith at 12 Tring Gdns, Harold Hill, Romford, Essex RM3 9EP. Along with your cheque (made payable to The Essex Field Club), please provide your address, phone number and even more usefully, your email address. We appreciate that 1st October is a long way off and the venue is undecided, so deposits will be fully refundable on request up until August 14th 2005. Reserve Your Place Now ESSEX FIELD CLUB CAR STICKER These are available from Ken Adams, 63 Wroths Path, Baldwins Hill, Loughton, Essex IG10 1SH at £2.00 on receipt of a stamped and addressed envelope and cheque/P.O. made out to the Essex Field Club. Buy two! One for each side of the car! They have our web site address and should prove good publicity for the Club when you park at NRs or other wildlife sites where other like minded people congregate who have yet to hear of the Club's existence. Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 47, May 2005 1