The Rochford Basin and some of the other possible impact structures described may yet turn out not to have an extra-terrestrial origin but the book will certainly stimulate interest in the subject and hopefully lead to further research. I have just one gripe and that is the price. At £43 the book is perhaps beyond the pocket of many who would be interested in buying it. Recipe for a 'Zone de Champ Brun' M.W. Hanson 3 Church Cottages, Church Road, Boreham, Essex CM3 3EG INGREDIENTS One 5 acre bare arable field situated in full sun 100 tonnes of crushed concrete dross 10 tonnes of mixed gravels 10 tonnes of pulverised fly ash 20 tonnes of chalk (from an excavation) 5000 ft of plastic agricultural drainage pipe Various shrubs and herbaceous plants of Mediterranean origin One yobbo METHOD Acquire field, then thoroughly drain using trenching machine and plastic drainage pipe not forgetting to drain into lowest point to create a wetland area or to backfill trench with pea shingle. Once drained admit lorry loads of the various aggregates to create extensive areas of differing substrate. The various materials used must be placed in pre- determined areas and to various depths - some depths being much greater than others to dissuade some invasive perennial species from establishing themselves. Once this phase is completed add various shrubs of Mediterranean origin, species would include Myrtle, Strawberry Tree, Cistus, Rosemary, Lavender, Judas Tree, Thyme, Jerusalem Sage, Tree Mallow, Bladder Senna etc. all sparingly planted about the site. Following this add the Mediterranean herbaceous plants such as Corn Marigold, Field Poppy, Shepherd's Needle, Wild Carrot, Bugloss, Fennel, Milk Thistle, Hop Trefoil, Wild Leek, Wild Tulip, Wild Iris ( etc, etc). Garnish the site sparingly with bits of dead wood and large lumps of concrete. Finally sprinkle seeds of suitable plant species and voila (time permitting of course) you may have a top quality brownfield site for scarce plants and invertebrates. Visit the Mediterranean before the Mediterranean visits you!! But wait a minute I hear you say where does the yobbo come into all this ???? Well someone's got to set fire to the site every now and then haven't they !!!!! SOURCES Crushed concrete dross is available from Hanson Aggregates (no relation unfortunately). It's about £17 a tonne. 12 Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 47, May 2005