John M. Hunter (1932-2005) It is sad to have to report the recent death of John Hunter the Essex landscape historian in early July. He was very active in the 1980s and 90s researching and publishing material related to the county including much about our parkland heritage. From a veteran tree point of view he is credited with the discovery of the huge Field Maple (Acer campestre) in Downham churchyard near Runwell in 1992. This magnificent tree has a girth of 15 ft. 10.5 inches (@1.3m.)and is probably a national champion tree. He lived at the Market Cross, Thaxted - the funeral being held in Thaxted Church. He contributed to publications such as 'The Essex Landscape - in search of its history' (ECC 1999) and is probably best Known for 'Land into Landscape' (1985 & 2nd. Edition 1993) and 'The Essex Landscape - a study of its form and history (ERO 1999). In 2003 he published 'Field Systems in Essex' (ESAH). Foulness Fungal Foray, 30th October 2005, a reminder Please refer back to Newsletter 47, May 2005, for full details. This is a short reminder to all those wishing to come on the guided visit that I must have your details in order to send them in to our guide, you will not be allowed on the Island if you are not on the list! Please contact me by 1st October at the latest on 01268 765597, or email,uk. I need your name, your passengers' names, car registra- tion number, and a contact phone number, please don't leave a message on my answerphone, it isn't very clear, speak to me in person. I look forward to hearing from you. Becoming a charity: news update You will be aware that for some time we have tried to get our Rules right in order to become a charity. Earlier this summer we eventually got to the point where a mountain of paperwork was sent off to the Charity Commission. Within 3 weeks I received a letter saying that our Objectives needed some rephrasing, but all the Rules were in order. The Commissioner even suggested the exact wording to use. The Council will discuss this at the next meeting on 7 September, then a proposal has to be put before the members. If it is passed, then 3 pieces of paper go to our Commissioner, and we will then become a registered charity. Mary Smith, Secretary. 2 Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 48, September 200S