11 teleost caudal vertebrae, possibly Xiphiorhynchus sp. 60 Teleost vertebrae Reptiles 3 Palaeophis toliapicus (Owen 1841) sea snake vertebrae 4 Trionyx sp.; indet, turtle carapace fragments and limb bones Birds 7 Indeterminate bird limb bone fragments Mammals Teeth occur Blocks of shelly sandstone have been collected from the beach. Similar blocks may be collected from dredged heaps dumped on the beach in front of Languard Fort, Suffolk. Red Crag: In addition to the Lower Tertiary fossils, Red Crag fossils may also occasionally be collected from the beach. These include highly polished, usually black coloured, reworked sharks teeth and ray palate fragments, lumps of mineralised whale bone, and shell fragments. Finds include. Sharks 8 Cosmopolotodus hastalis Agassiz (1843) shark 2 Otodus obliquus Agassiz 1843 shark some Very rolled sharks' teeth Rays 4 Aetobalis irregularis Agassiz 1843 ray 11 Myliobatis spp. May Reptile 2 Crocodile scutes. Heavily phosphatised and polished Mammal Common Whalebone fragments. Heavily mineralised. 3 Haustator incrassata (J. Sowerby 1814) gastropod Jurassic: Reworked Jurassic fossils, presumably derived from imported rock blocks used in the sea defences, or shipped in as ballast, have also been found on the beach. These include 2 Pycnodont teeth. Fish palate fragments 1 Hybodus reticularis (Agassiz 1837) shark Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 48, September 2005 11