the local council). The second is a warning that you will be seeking an order from the local magistrates and the third is an application to the court for a Litter Abatement Order. This one costs £5. I have just been through the first two stages with the London Borough of Havering regarding a long abandoned allotment site. They have started to clear it as I write but they have a lot more to do. I will keep you posted. Essex Field Club journal exchange Ken Adams 63 Wroths Path, Baldwins Hill, Loughton, Essex. IG10 1SH Email: Martin Heywood Raylands, Tye Hall Chase, Roxwell, Chelmsford CM1 4NH Email: When the current EFC Library formed part of the Passmore Edwards Museum library, copies of the Essex Naturalist were exchanged for around 25 different journal volumes from other societies. When the EFC acquired the library from the London Borough of Newham, apart from the fact that we could not afford to send out so many free copies of the Essex Naturalist, most of the journals received in exchange were irrelevant to Essex or our current membership. Your Council therefore decided to restrict exchanges to the equivalent journals from surrounding counties, plus the British Journal of Entomological & Natural History. In addition to the latter, we now exchange for: Suffolk Natural History and Suffolk Birds, The London Naturalist, and Nature in Cambridgeshire. To this list we have now just added the Hertfordshire Naturalist. Martin Heywood currently looks after these journals and their back number for the EFC, and brings them along to the Exhibition meeting so that other members may see them. Your Council is concerned that these journals may be of considerable interest to our members, and that some form of reading circle might be more appreciated. For a start we are suggesting that those interested in the idea might like to receive a xerox or preferably an email of the contents list of each volume as they appear, so that they are made aware of any papers that they might have a particular interest in. If any EFC members would be interested in receiving contents lists for the journals listed above they are invited to declare their interest by writing or emailing to Ken Adams. When we have some measure of the level of interest we can decide where to go from there. Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group If you are in frequent contact with FWAG you will already know their offices have moved. Others might need to know, so here are the new details. The Essex group is now with the Cambs and Herts group. The new address is: FWAG, 3B Penn Farm Studios, Harston Road, Haslingfield, Cambridge CB3 7JZ. Phone is 01223 874558, emails remain as two: or Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 50, May 2006 3