New County Recorder for fungi Tony Boniface has taken over from Geoffrey Kibby as County Recorder for fungi. Please send records to Tony at 40 Pentland Avenue, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 4AZ Email: Many thanks are due to Geoffrey for his many years of service to the Essex Field Club as recorder. New County Recorder for marine life Genevieve Broad Joan Elliot Visitor Centre, Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough, Colchester, Essex C05 7RZ. Email:, work tel - 01621 862981, home tel - 01206 386489, mobile - 07803660347. I moved to Essex earlier this year when 1 took up the post of Coordinator with the Essex Biodiversity Project (EBP). The EBP works county-wide with 40 partners comprised of government agencies, local councils, non-government organisations and business partners and is hosted by the Essex Wildlife Trust at Abbott's Hall Farm, Great Wigborough. Since growing up in Suffolk, I have travelled widely in the many years before returning to East Anglia. My work in the field of wildlife conservation has included the ecology of snakes and aye-ayes at Jersey Zoo; dolphin/fisheries interactions and ecotourism with the Marine Mammal Research programme in Texas, the Bahamas and Belize; a study of the mammals and birds of the forests of Sierra Leone, West Africa; and most recently, six years with Voluntary Service Overseas working on sustainable fisheries and environmental education with coastal communities in the Philippines. I gained a BSc in Ecology from the University of East Anglia, Norwich in 1991 and several years later, obtained a Masters degree in Marine Environmental Protection from the University of Wales, Bangor. I am looking forward to being an active member of the Essex Field Club and am delighted to have been invited to become County Recorder for Marine Life. MapMate records If you are using MapMate for your biological records, then please send these on regular occasions using the MapMate synchronisation process. If the County Recorder MapMate details are not listed overleaf, please contact your County Recorder to find out whether they are able to receive records in this form or you can send your MapMate records to Peter Harvey (cuk 2gv and email, who will forward them on. Current details for County Recorders who are definitely able to receive MapMate sync records are as follows, but at least 6 more are or will be using MapMate and may be able and willing to receive records in this way: County MapMate Email Taxonomic groups Recorder CUK Tim Gardiner 3kb Orthoptera Brian Goodey 6qa Lepidoptera Mark Hanson 6q4 Veteran Trees Neil Harvey 2hb Larger Brachycera Peter Harvey 2gv Arachnida, Hymenoptera, Isopoda David Scott 6qn Reptiles and amphibians Del Smith 6bc Diptera (except hoverflies and larger Brachycera) Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 50, May 2006 21